Me Me Me Me

Monday, October 1, 2012

Oh heck, here we go...

Well, as if my plate isn't full enough as a first year teacher, I thought, HECK, why not start a blog?  I've turned to a number of blogs for ideas this year, so I figured maybe I, too, can help spark somebody's creativity!  I was a long-term substitute in second grade for a year and a half before landing a permanent gig in first grade.  It has been the most amazing journey.  I come home exhausted every single day, but cannot wait to go back and do it all over again.  When they say that first grade is a very important learning year, they're not lying.  I get to witness "light bulb" moments on a regular basis, and it makes me feel incredible.  *Story time*  One of my kiddos came to me not knowing any of his letters or sounds.  When we would write, I was lucky to get a few letters to accompany his very simple drawings.  About 4 weeks into the school year, he made the connection that the pictures under the alphabet match the sound that those letters make.  Not only did he start writing, he immediately wrote with feeling.  It's like he finally found a way to get out everything he'd ever been dying to say.  He went from nothing to "I like the way the rain feels on my hands" right in front of my eyes.  I almost cried.  This is why I teach.  I hope that some of my ideas are able to inspire you along your journey.