Me Me Me Me

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Mistletoe is Here!

Well, this PA teacher finally went back to school today... Apparently people went hunting yesterday? I wouldn't know. It was good to be back in the swing of things! I had mentioned to my kids that "we had an elf last year" and "I wasn't sure if he would come back or not" because "classroom elves follow different rules than house elves..." Oh my gosh. They're eating out of my hands. So, today, they all came in asking if the elf had shown up, since theirs had all shown up at home. I mentioned that last year, the elf came AFTER I read the book to the class, so they were immediately begging me to read the book. Love love love the book. I'm such a sap.

Anywho, here's what Mistletoe did on his first day back in first grade! Got the idea on instagram! If you elf, use the hashtag #elfintheclassroom for some fantastic ideas!

Our elf tends to be very mischievous. Stay tuned. I also wanted to share this AWESOME pack I found on TPT a while back and had waiting in my cart for the big sale. If you have an elf in your room, you NEED A Cupcake For The Teacher's Elf Magic pack. There's loads of fun stuff, but my favorite part is the elf tracking journal. Today, we filled in the first part together, but starting tomorrow, they'll be filling it in on their own as a "must do" work on writing activity during Daily 5. Check it out...

I love that they'll have a little keepsake to take home before Christmas to remind them where we found our elf all month long... Great pack!! Highly recommend.  Stay tuned to see how I used her elf project for my door decorating this year!!
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