Me Me Me Me

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Conference Week Blues

It creeps up on me every year, and I'm never as prepared as I'd like to be. I did my best this year to be planned as far ahead as possible. I actually sat down Sunday night and planned the whole week!! This is good for me, as I usually find myself writing my plans a few days ahead. AND I planned most of NEXT week, too! I'm a big "mental planner" and I know I need to get better at actually writing down my plans. So I'm trying. 

I also put together a student data binder this year to help guide my conferences. I forgot to take pictures before I started writing their data all over it. It's nothing overly fancy. Inside, there's dividers for each student. I created a page for each student where I can write their assessment scores (we use DRA2 for reading levels, and I also put a space for their sight word scores). The MOST helpful thing I included was the benchmark score for each marking period so that I could reference it during conferences, and parents had a visual as to how their child scored as opposed to the expected score for that marking period. It's been very handy for conferences! I made a page to list strengths and areas to work on, and made sure to list a few in each section for a each student. 

At my district, we don't have a scheduled day for conferences, so we try to squeeze a few in before and after school. I decided to stay late one night to accommodate parents that couldn't come right before or after school. I've also learned to never schedule them Monday morning! Did that last year and immediately regretted it!! Last night was my night to stay late, so I was at school from 7 to 7. I was EXHAUSTED!! 

How do you schedule your conferences? Any tips for preparing??


Just A Primary Girl said...

I have a list of books by Dra that they can find on level along with my scholastic note. I also have a chart they take that says their level and for growth of level. I also show my writing rubric so there are no surprises. :)